Components of a Computer

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You may wonder what actually makes a computer work. Besides just the basic hardware like the monitor, tower, and the keyboard and mouse, there are many other parts that you normally don't see inside a computer when you look at it.

What You Will Need:

In order to build a computer, you will need specific components to make it work! One of the first things you will need is:
A motherboard to process data
a Central Processing Unit (CPU) to execute and interpret commands
An external hard drive (or a flash memory drive) to have information stored in your computer
A cooling device that would help keep the inside of the computer from heating up and/or crashing.

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A video card to allow the computer to send graphical information to display movement and color from the monitor.
A modem to enable a faster and efficient connection to the Internet.
A floppy/USB drive to read the contenst of the inside the floppy/flash.
An input peripheral device (keyboard)to actually input the information.
A mouse
A printer to print the desired work.
And of course a monitor so you can see what you are doing!

Rachel's Computer Website. Compaq Rd. Some Town, AZ  85555